Jazmin van Breda (b.2001, Sussex) lives and works in London. Graduating from Central Saint Martins with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art, she works sculpturally specialising in woodwork and ceramics. 

Jazmin’s sculptural work is an exploration into the displacement of objects within architectural space and considers how environment influences perception and response. The objects she makes are domestically familiar but distorted to remove their functionality and represent their altered form, purpose, and status within the public sphere.

Inspired by architecture and furniture and the human relationship between the two, she captures movement patterns symbolic of how audiences respond to artwork within different spaces and shapes her work to symbolise human behaviour and preoccupations.

‘I consider the degree to which audiences are guided by the spaces around them and how we are inherently directed by the architecture we inhabit.’

 Her work attempts to awaken memories of domestic familiarity and is inspired by Gaston Bachelard’s vision of ‘the daydreamer’ and a space to daydream:

‘The house shelters daydreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.’ (Bachelard, G.,1958).

Jazmin’s sculptures create a space that positions itself between the private and the public, highlighting the impact of public exposure and environmental influences on perception and interpretation. Connecting the audience to her work through emotional engagement, evoked by memory and personal daydreams, is at the heart of her practice.


Summer Exhibition 2023, Royal Academy of Arts: June - August 2023

La Chapelle, Beaux-Arts de Paris - September 2023

In Art We Trust, Notting Hill Arts Club - November 2023

The Copy Project, Angel Court, Bank - October 2023

Central Saint Martin’s Graduate Show - June 2023

‘Kaleidoscopic’, Filit - April 2023